Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Qualifications For Reverse Mortgages

For most elderly people, a reverse mortgage is a highly helpful tool that allows them to utilize whatever equity they have been able to build up in their homes. Reverse mortgages have several requirements and it is a good first step to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for eligibility. There may be some variations among lenders when it comes to the requirements but more of than not, they will be highly similar.

In order to be eligible for a reverse mortgage loan, the first requirement is that you must be at least 62 years of age. It is also necessary that the homeowner have equity in the home. When there is more than one person owning the home, it is a requirement for a reverse mortgage application that all parties are at least 62 years of age. There must also be a considerable amount of equity already put into the home in order for a person to be able to borrow against it, though it does not necessarily have to be fully paid off. It is also important to understand that the loan will hold first lien over the property. When a reverse mortgage is completed, all existing mortgages will have to be fully paid off. All existing loans may be paid off using the funding obtained from a reverse mortgage. Check out the link to get more information on reverse mortgage companies.

Usually, reverse mortgages are loans which are completed on single-family residential homes, however, condominiums and other types of residences may be used to borrow against for a reverse mortgage. Aside from the eligibility of the home or type of structure, the borrower must actually reside in the property. In this case, reverse mortgages will not be possible over vacation on rented properties or homes.

Another requirement is that after everything has been facilitated with the reverse mortgage, the borrower must continue to occupy the home until the loan is fully paid off. All taxes and fees with regard to the home must also always be current and updated. Another thing that the owner must maintain is insurance on the home, keeping the property well maintained and managing repairs and other work that must be done on the home. Sometimes, the proceeds from the reverse mortgage loan may be used to complete necessary repairs on the home.

There are some reverse mortgages that do not require any credit requirements however, some also do not require such things at all. One good thing about these types of loans is that individuals might find it easier to qualify for reverse mortgages rather than the traditional mortgage products. Where credit standing and other factors such as low income levels, bankruptcy, and other negative factors play a big role in traditional mortgages, reverse mortgage loans are not generally too impacted by such factors. Check out more information about reverse mortgages myths follow this link
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